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Thursday, November 4, 2010


Is it just me, or what? I have been putting my outside lights up when the first warm day of November comes along, and today was it. It got close to 70° today, making it a lot easier than trying to do it in blowing snow when the temperature is around the 0 mark! There they sit just waiting for the first of December so that they can be switched on.

Remember when the old lights had some light, and some colour to them? Remember chasing down the replacement lights for all the ones that for some mysterious reason died over the summer sitting quietly in their little box.

I followed the conventional thinking of the day, and got rid of all my old pretty sparkling lights and replaced them with the new and improved LED lights. They don't go bad over the summer, they were bad when you put them away! Have you ever seen such wimpy lights in your life? They are terrible, and about as cheerful as a morgue. A few lights come through with a bit of colour, like the yellow ones, something like white that has gotten yellow with age, but the reds, blues, and greens are just about dark, and when I looked at the new crop in the store, they were the same way! I suppose we should be happy keeping some worker in China busy making these things. We should also be happy for what we are doing to the environment by going green. Look at all the electricity we are saving! I would cheerfully spend a bit more for some lights that were brighter. Oh yes another "good" thing, these lights will never burn out! I get to look at them for the rest of my life.

In spite of all this, Christmas is definitely on the way, judging by all the store catalogues that came with the Herald today. We have already had 3 snowfalls, and Halloween, and the Canadian Thanksgiving. The stores will be happy, since they do the bulk of their business in the last two months of the year. Now if I can only find a place that sells some decent lights to make my December happier......

Sorry about the rant, but it just seemed appropriate some how. Don't forget to buy and wear a poppy for Remembrance Day!

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