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Thursday, January 13, 2011


I mentioned that I had a work around for the address book in Thunderbird that would make it like the one from Microsoft in Outlook Express. In the Microsoft version, you can make a small address book, like a list of names you use often. You can create names of say the people who reside in Dreamview. I have over 160 email addresses in my main address book, and sorting through all that to send something out to 10 or so people is a real pain, considering they may be all my regular email users.

So here is the deal on making a new address book. Start in Thunderbird, and click Address book. Create a "New List". Give it a name eg Dreamview. Drag all the Dreamview people into the new list. You will notice that your new list Dreamview shows up in the original Personal Address Book. At this point you cannot open it to send just to some of the Dreamview people. Clicking that name will send it to everybody! Not necessarily what you want to do.

Now comes the work around, Look on the menu bar and click "Tools", click "Export". Navigate to Documents, and give your file a name, Dreamview, Save as Type below the file name. Comma Separated or CSV. Click "Save". Now you have saved the List you created as a separate file.

Now go back to your original Personal Address book. Click Tools again and this time select "Import". When this window opens, select only the Address Books, click Next, Click "Text File", and Next. Type in the name of the file you just saved. Click Comma Separated and in this window click OK. You have now imported a new Address Book for Dreamview and it is no longer just a list.

Now finish up by deleting the old Dreamview List, leaving just the Dreamview Address Book. Check in your new book and you will see that only the people from the list you just created are all in there. You can add names to this list as many as you need as required. You can also deleted names from the list, as needed.

You can make as many of these books as you need. I have a total of 6 separate books, and it works just fine.

It sounds difficult, but it is not much different than any other cut and paste operation you would do on a routine level.

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